When it comes to utilizing earned media to gain exposure for your hospital and brand, properly utilizing public relations tactics can gain your facilities valuable exposure without having to shell out big advertising bucks.

Over the last three decades of working with small and rural community hospitals, we have discovered that many of these community institutions do not really understand the goldmine of content they are sitting on. As a hospital, you have many opportunities for reaching out and getting noticed – in a crucial, newsworthy way.

Public relations is a set of practices that can increase attention and shape the perception of your business. When combined with an integrated marketing communications strategy, public relations can enhance the central messages being distributed by your hospital – creating a stronger impact in your community.

So, what are some ways you can leverage earned media to get your hospital and brands in the local media?

In a nutshell, there are five opportunities where public relations can help your hospital.

  • Serve as the central source of health-related information in your community.
  • Be a resource for important healthcare topics and trends that matter to your patients and families.
  • Coordinate events and activities that promote the awareness of your hospital’s programs in the community.
  • Evaluate and improve community perceptions and attitudes about your hospital.
  • Plan and execute programs designed to fulfill the above opportunities.

Each of the above opportunities are relatively self-explanatory while simultaneously can be a topic of discussion all on their own. When you review these five opportunities, it is imperative that you remember that public relations is more than a press release. It is a process that involves many different strategies that contribute to a stronger image of what your hospital.

A comprehensive public relations program can help your hospital build acceptance among the community, increase the credibility and claims of your marketing and advertising, break through the clutter seen through local media outlets, and reach out to the primary target audiences. The best part is that public relations can help your facility achieve these goals in a cost-effective way compared to mass advertising.

As with any marketing communication function, strategic planning will help you monitor your resources and ensure you do not overwhelm your community. Don’t continue to miss out on publicity opportunities that your hospital deserves.

With more than 33 years of experience working directly with rural community hospitals, clinics, physicians, and healthcare organizations, SRJ Marketing Communications is your resource for improving communication and stopping out-migration.

For a free consultation to discover if SRJ Marketing Communications might be a good fit for your facility, call 214-528-5775. You’ll be glad you did!